Every time IDS speaks on post Brexit economic outlook a major business actions its contingency plan

LCD Views has heard from increasingly overworked international business relocation service urging Irritable Duncan Syndrome to please stop talking about the UK’s post Brexit economic outlook.

“Did you hear that idiot on rt4, the Brexit Broadcasting Corporation, this morning? Breezily talking about how business will have to learn to work in new ways after Brexit?

That alone caused our phone to melt again with new orders. It’s insane. We’re considering moving to the continent ourselves just to get a breather,” Mrs P Lease informed LCD.

“And the fact such blithe statements are allowed to pass unchallenged by what are supposed to be serious journalists doesn’t help our blood pressure either.”

It seems Mrs Lease would have appreciated Irritable Duncan Syndrome being asked for specifics on what exactly will have to be learned in order to cope with the new realities of being totally overshadowed by the largest trading bloc on earth, once we establish ourselves in competition and as an existential threat ongoing. Although he couldn’t have honestly answered, as no one knows what it will look like as no one planned for it. People like IDS most certainly did not.

Also, what timeframe, budget, and fallback options will be needed to change business practises that have worked for decades but are now suddenly obsolete because a bunch of entitled twits with imperial nostalgia agree to be stooges for shadowy tax haven interests.

“On the plus side though, in terms of the complexity of negotiating the UK’s exit from the single market and customs union, politically that will become extremely easy if IDS continues to trot out nonsense he’s not asked to substantiate.”

Apparently because by the time March 2019 rolls around, thanks to IDS and chums, there won’t be any business interests concerned with cross channel trade left in the country expressing concerns to worry about.

Keep talking IDS, the world is listening.

And Beeb, don’t worry asking him to qualify all the bollocks he talks, slowly but surely only Brexiters are listening to you anyway.

What’s the contingency plan for losing the BBC? Just out of interest?

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