Monarch tells son there is no way I’m starting with Churchill and ending with May, you have to hang on

LCD Views’ only royal correspondent advises that Queen Elizabeth II has reportedly told her son, “There is no way I’m starting with Churchill and ending with May, you have to hang on a bit longer.”

It’s believed the remark was made while watching the corgis play in the snow covering the lawn of Windsor Castle this morning.

“Charles wasn’t impressed,” Green Searchlight reports, “he wants to start with May and end with a figure like Churchill, as he believes the king beyond the water, in prime ministerial terms, must be starting his journey to the United Kingdom.”

This appears to be based on what a prime ministerial shower the country has laboured under for many years.

“Let’s be fair, Blair was a new dawn for most but the old commies and Torykippers, and he did help complete the peace process in Northern Ireland and he did stop a brutal civil war in Sierra Leone, so till then it was a ok.

But then a former coke addict who fancies himself a cowboy threw Tony a bomber jacket, at a moment of crisis, and it’s been all downhill since.

Any leader who thinks God is working through him is bound to be almost as bad as one who thinks he is God.”

So Queen Elizabeth II isn’t going anywhere soon?

“Not if she can help it. She’s hoping to use the royal veto anyway to veto the EU Withdrawal Bill, while wearing her EU flag hat, just to see the look on Jacob Rees-mogg’s face. So she’s more than one good reason to hang on.”

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