Replace May with Satan’s stained Y Fronts to make a success of Brexit, Tory donor urges

A major Tory donor has today called for Theresa May to be replaced with Satan’s stained Y Fronts to make a success of Brexit.

What exactly does success mean when you’re talking about Brexit?

”Complete and utter shambolic calamity so I get to feel god like by helping cause chaos and having the knowledge of it coming allegedly make a mountain of money off the calamity before watching other people scramble about to rectify the instability and thus making even more money. It’s a hoot. You should get yourself some millions and try it.”

So that’s Brexit?

”In a nut shell,” he said, “although there’s also a shit tonne of racism wheeled about because that keeps everyone in their rightful place in the turning hamster wheel of disaster capitalism and greed for the sake of greed.”

Anything else in Brexit?

”The end of rule of law, with any luck. The squeezing of the fruit so I get all the pips and the lesser orders get to scrabble over and around the dried rind while blaming foreigners for there only being dried rind.”

So this is why you want to replace May with Gove?

”Yes of course. May is useless. Can’t make a decision, always prevaricating and taking advice from blinkered, ideologically driven, egomaniac, chumocracy risen idiots. When she does act it’s always the wrong choice as she’s waited too late. Satan’s stained Y Fronts would do what needs to be done.”

Because he fawns at the feet of mammon and will do as ordered in the hope of sucking out the dirt from under the toenails of said feet?

“Pretty much. Complete lickspittle in the face of autocratic power. Perfect place mat.”

How quickly should the U.K. put on Satan’s stained Y Fronts?

”Immediately! The whole long con is unravelling as we speak. Just imagine the giddy success of taking a representative parliament with such roots as the U.K., whatever its imperfections, and curdling it into a wasteland of small minded racist idiots giving all their money to the likes of me and thanking me for it?”

Not everyone can be manipulated like that. People will resist.

”Not once we replace the police with G4S on Brexit day! Now put both legs into the old pants and pull them up and ignore the stains so I can profit today, tomorrow and everyday.”

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