Mainstream politicians listen to the people but only hear what they want to

Mainstream politicians from both major parties are insisting that they are listening to the people. But, unlike the opinion of the people, their message is unchanged. Critics claim that this is a case of Institutional Deafness.

What is Institutional Deafness? LCD’s Hear No Evil correspondent went to find out.

“Institutional Deafness is becoming endemic,” claimed political expert Anna List. “It is the phenomenon of listening, then wilfully misinterpreting what has been said. It tends to affect public figures of low intelligence and few morals.”

Is it catching?

“Institutional deafness is highly contagious,” replied List. “Major hospitals across the country have put their ear departments on red alert. I fear that many of our leading politicians have already been infected.”

“That’s nonsense,” countered Con Party spokesman Livid Dadlington. “Brexit means Brexit, the people have spoken, anyone voting against Brexit has been betrayed by the betrayal narratives and is to be pitied. So we lost a few local councillors, who gives a shit? All the more reason to plough on with it!”

“I have to agree with Livid,” agreed Garry Bardiner, of the Labouring Under A Misapprehension Party. “It is our duty to help get this Con Brexit over the line, even though we know it’s selling the country down the river. The people are much too well informed now. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.”

The message is clear. A vote for either of the mainstream parties is a vote for Brexit. Therefore, voting for neither is also a vote for Brexit.

The People’s Vote people have packed it in, because a vote against Brexit is now revealed to be a vote to bloody well get on with it.

Meanwhile, the zombie that is Brexit lumbers on, a policy in search of a purpose, like an elephant who has been told to get a room.

The search is on for an enormous wooden stake, and somebody brave enough to wield it.

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