“I’m ready for another election now” – says Brenda from Bristol

VOTE FOR TRUTH AT THE POLLING BOOTH : BRENDA FROM BRISTOL has reportedly spoken today to say that she is ready to vote again.

The elector in question hit the headlines, and then achieved immortality as a meme expressing popular sentiment, a few years back when hearing she was expected to vote AGAIN.

But in spite of already having gone to the polling booth for local and European elections this year, it seems Brenda is not now suffering from her famous democratic fatigue.

“Looking at the complete and utter shambles playing out down in London and not wanting to vote, to shake it all about, would be just weird,” Brenda is said to have told reporters from the pavement, “let me into that booth! I want to knock all their heads together, even if I’m not completely confident of knocking sense into them.”

And it seems Brenda is not alone in wanting a general election.

“Up and down the country people are watching the old Eton gang, with their billionaire backers, take hold of the levers of power and wrench them out of the machinery of state,” our polling expert says, “and they’d rather like a say about how things are going before it’s too late.”

What the country will do when it gets the chance isn’t yet clear. Imaginary Brenda has some advice though.

“First thing is make sure you vote. Democracy is a precious and fragile bird. Don’t let them put it in a gilded cage. Let it fly all over the land. Second thing, don’t vote for proven liars. That’s how we got into this mess to begin with.”

But what about those people who say it’s too late, Brexit is happening?

“You’re thinking exactly what Cummings and Johnson want you to think. You muppet. This is no longer just about Brexit, but the entire future of governance of the country.”

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