Absent Fatherland – Department for Education orders portraits of Boris Johnson installed in all classrooms

WHO’S YOUR DADDY : The Department for Education was rumoured to be embroiled in a fierce spat with Downing Street today after the executive issued an edict that a portrait of Boris Johnson was to be installed in all classrooms, even the under resourced ones.

But the order appears to have taken current Education Secretary Gavin “the idiot with the tarantula” Williamson by surprise. Apparently because he was not consulted on the installations.

“Gav is like well livid,” an aide to the former fireplace salesman imaginatively told LCD Views, “Boris can have a fifty foot tall poster of himself erected in Trafalgar Square for all Gav cares, but Education is Gav’s domain. Hands off the classrooms.”

And the matter is further complicated as apparently the installing of Mr Johnson’s portraits pipped plans by Mr Williamson to instal his own.

“He’d even had the photo taken. Sitting in an armchair by a blazing fire. Exceptionally paternal. And now Bojo gets wind of it and barges in to put his own picture up first? It’s not on. It won’t stand. It’ll hang. To the wall that is.”

Quite what Mr Williamson will do about it isn’t clear, as first and foremost he wants to protect his ministerial career.

“I think he will probably offer to compromise and say let’s have our pictures up on alternate days? Or let’s just hung both portraits side by side? There has to be a way through this.”

Whether or not Mr Johnson and Mr Williamson will come to an agreement will be key to how things play out across other departments of state too.

“Michael Gove is writing a school song praising Michael Gove. And Priti Patel intends that the new force of Terminator style police robots, soon to be patrolling the nation’s streets, have her smirk and voice. If Boris gets wind of those plans too there’s liable to be more blue on blue action.”

Critics have also moved to intervene in the issue, demanding to know what is actually being done to govern the country? While all this self-glorifying bullshit is going on?

“Oh, we’re not worried about the critics. We just ignore them and carry on. We know best. We’re advised by Dom.”

Other commentators have suggested that the signs of creeping fascism were there right back in the 2016 EU referendum campaign and it would be nice if everyone catches on, preferably before they have to help their kids learn the new school song.

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