Adult movie star with an unsigned NDA now more aspirational career than POTUS, survey finds

In the wake of the ongoing episode between Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels, a new poll has revealed an eyebrow-raising new consequence. On being asked what they want to do when they finish studies, uni students and people undergoing mid-life career changes, replied “adult movie star” with surprising frequency.

A poll taken at Trump University, Reality Campus, revealed that while only 3% of the pupils had political aspirations, a whopping 17% wanted to star in porn.

University Vice Chancellor, Mr Big said in an interview:

“I can’t believe it. I know politicians are people everybody hates, but to think more people want to buy a webcam and work independently in movies, than sit on a toilet tweeting insanities while blackmailing allies? I don’t know how this happened?”

But it is happening. All across America, the national average reveals 23% of university pupils want to be porn stars, frequently citing Stormy Daniels as a role model. Barely 4% want to be politicians.

Asked how many want to become president, less than 0.1% expressed even the slightest enthusiasm, lending some truth to the old line of Clarence Darrow:

“When I was a boy I was told that anyone could become president – I’m beginning to believe it.”

It could be, too, that they have taken to heart the line by Douglas Adams:

“Anyone capable of getting themselves elected president should on no account be allowed to do the job.”

In any case, it is clear that more people want to be a thorn in the president’s side when they grow up than actually be president. I guess Machiavelli had a point when he talked about the power behind the throne.

Or possibly the power behind the bedroom door and the power of David Dennison’s not signing NDA’s afterwards.

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