To end lobbying scandals we must free billionaires from the burden of taxation

There comes a time in every great nation’s history when it must take a good and long look in the mirror. Global Britain is at such a fork in the road and the tine is nigh for it to undergo a deep, inward focused examination.

We must not shy this day from drawing down our pants, bending our torso forward, then down, and lifting our eyes up and backwards to stare into the pursed sphere of self-awareness. Further wisdom can be gleaned should we physically insert our cranium right into our interior. To do this all we need do is hold our breath and believe, as was the case with Brexit.

The reason for this is not just Socrates imploring us to know ourselves, it is the parlour state of the nation’s self-esteem. The Prime Minister is being undermined by saboteurs, presumably sent from Brussels, and we must close ranks.

For daily now the chatterati have nothing better to do with their time than gossip about the Prime Minister’s private communications. It is no business of the unwashed what the PM does with the tax code. It is his business to govern as he sees most expedient. This is why he was elected.

Clearly the leaks are a dream come true for the ‘woke’ who are obsessed with the private business of their betters. It is just base envy and should be illegal.

There is a clear case for criminalising poor people talking about rich people in disparaging terms. There is also a clear case to end lobbying scandals altogether so to rob the nattering masses of their fodder.

“A rich man does not need to end the kingdom of Heaven through the eye of a needle, when he can just buy his way in” – Proverbs, Bob, Lindisfarne Dialogues, 980AD.

How do we end the lobbying scandals you ask? It is the essence of simplicity itself. We simply remove billionaires from the burdens of paying tax altogether. Then no text messages and no ensuring scandals. Simple. The additional wealth they accrue will most certainly trickle down.

A bonus will arrive too. Once the dragon of tax on wealth has been slain earnest billionaire funded press organs can focus fully on stamping out the woke. Once everyone agrees British history is entirely positive and the people who are born to rule us have earned the right we can truly make a success of tomorrow.

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