Why possessing only one testicle is better than being neutered by Brussels

“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” In the same way, in the age of the emasculated EU, the unotesticular must take command.

The Woke Brigade won’t like this, but it is undeniably true. Back in 1940, this country had balls. It single-handedly defeated a man in possession of only one ball. In the modern era, the bureaucratic nightmare that is Brussels has decreed that we must follow the example of Goebbels, and have no balls at all. In this instance the nation with a single sphere is automatically superior.

It is time that England exerted its singular advantage. We may have had our wings clipped over the years, we may be somewhat less potent than we once were, but even so we have the means to rule the EUnuch EU.

What is to blame for this feeble-mindedness? The weedy Woke movement is only a symptom. The blame lies squarely at the feet of women, who seek to achieve equality by removing the very symbols of our masculinity. We have no gonads, they argue, so neither should men. They had us by the balls, and, like hen-pecked husbands, we submitted in timorous fashion.

But not so England. True, we were part of the EU for a long time, but the Woke libbers only maintained half a grip on our Sovereignty. Now that we have broken free, albeit at great cost, we must rise up and assert the Natural Order of Things. We must restore the world in which Ursula von der Leyen and Michelle Barnier would be back in the kitchen, and would get dinner on the table at six o’clock sharp every single day.

This namby-pamby bowing and scraping to equality and rights has gone far enough. It’s time to gird what’s left of our loins, stand up tall and proud, and have a ball.

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