Russians are the latest media obsession. Russians this, Russians that. Everything is about Russians. It’s as if the Cold War never ended!

Much effort has been expended over the past few decades to bring nations together. The Cold War came to an end, the Berlin Wall came down. The Good Friday Agreement brought peace in Ireland. Countries set aside differences in the name of peace.

The mood has changed. Irresponsible, greedy world leaders have bred dissatisfaction in their people. Fingers have been pointed. At immigrants. At Mexicans. At Muslims. At foreigners generally. At the EU. At Russians.

Why should the media report the horrible truth? Isn’t it easier, and much more fun, to whinge about nasty foreigners? The fabric of international society is unravelling, and the media are pulling the strings.

Brexit has turned the UK against its friends and allies in the EU. The economy is suffering as a consequence, so obviously attention must be diverted. The old Cold War bogeymen, the Russians, are as convenient scapegoat as any.

Scandals such as the removal of free school meals from the country’s most vulnerable children have become commonplace. Instead of highlighting this, the complacent, compliant media have instead been shouting obsessively about a poisoned Russian.

Nobody is saying that this isn’t newsworthy. But shouldn’t it be more important that there are children being deprived of their only decent meal of the day on economic grounds?

Meanwhile, privileged people enjoy subsidised food or get it free on expenses. Tickets for the privatised gravy train are beyond the means of most of us.

There can only be one explanation. Those behind the government and the press stand to benefit from the situation. This coalition of chaos will mop up the depleted assets of UK plc on the cheap after Brexit.

An even smaller percentage will own an even higher proportion of the country. Brexit is for the few, not the many.

It is the Will of the few People who stand to gain from it. Get your burgundy passports out and leave for good before we Leave for good. But just remember, if you start to read an article about the car crash of British politics currently, thanks to the leaders of both main parties serving the lies of Brexit, point the finger at the Russians! Russians! Russians!

Actually, one Russian is probably involved…but nobody much in the MSM press or our parliament seems to care too about that…might be another thing that calls into question the “will of the people”…

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