“Hold my beer” Labour NEC sends direct message to Tory HQ

IT’S LEXIT OR THE NHS : Labour’s ruling NEC have sent a powerful and blunt message to the shambolic, divided, toxic, incompetent, corrupted, lawbreaking, country demolishing Conservative Party of minority government today.

“Hold my beer,” a Labour NEC ‘source’ told LCD Views, “Tories think they know how to wage a civil war at great cost to themselves and the country? Well, they haven’t seen a clique of aged, unreformed, wannabe communist revolutionaries infighting.”


“And the message will have been received,” our WTF are you doing? correspondent comments, “as multi-millionaire, career politician, Jeremy Corbyn, who has somehow managed to convince a reducing number of supporters that a guy who’s been in parliament for nearly 40 years and done sod all, except try and get an IN/OUT EUref in 2011 with the help of Tory MPs, is going to smash the system and heal their wounds, spends the long hours of last night wondering if attempts to demolish deputy leader Tom Watson will help further democratise the Labour Party?”

And the timing of Momentum founder, Lansman’s, move against thought criminal Watson couldn’t be better.

“The eve of party conference? I mean, that’s some genius. Attempting to abolish the deputy leader by decree, when nearly 200,000 members voted for him, that’s genius that Cummings would be proud of. Especially as it comes days after the demolition of the student wing. Bloody Blairites. We’re onto them.”

Of course Boris Johnson will be pleased. As focus shifts to Labour he can record another dozen campaign videos without worrying what people think about his poisonous, duplicitous incompetence for a few days.

“It is actually a move for the many, not the few,” our correspondent adds, “right now defections to the Liberal Democrat’s from the old parties are even. But if Labour’s ruling clique can manage to drive away more MPs with cross party appeal, over to the Libdems, then balance can be guaranteed. And what’s best, Jeremy never has to actually shoulder the responsibility of government, but can just keep making noise from the security of irrelevance, which is exactly how he likes it.”

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